Good thinking

By RuSty
what is good thinging in the first place? Do anyone have any idea about it? btw good thinking is not a simple as it read. i read it from a book, that there are 11 different thinking skill when it come into good thinking.
  • big picture thinking - i dun noe what that is
  • focused thinking - explain like able to remove distraction and mental clutter from our mind
  • greative thinking - i believe everyone know what is that
  • realistic thinking - thinking base on fact and figure
  • strategic thinking - i believe u should know this oso
  • possibility thinking - find sloution for even seemingly impossible situation
  • reflective thinking - reflect on the past to improve ourself
  • questioning popular thinking - i dun understand this one
  • share thinking - include other people's though to accomplish positive result
  • unselfish thinking - sparing a though for other ppl lah
  • bottom line thinking - another one which i dun understand

hope u all will benefit from this 11 thinking skill and maximize ur thinking skill



By RuSty
Is there such thing call true love? by the way, what is true love in the first place?
do any one have an answer?

Wondering and constantly asking myself, after watching the Korean coffee prince drama(is a very nice love drama, do watch it).. so sweet, so naive, yet so real.. willing to give up everything for one another.. telling white lies yet afraid to hurt any party.. so simple, so pure, not thinking of how other people see them.. just purely like one another.. how i wish i can live in that kind of life.. fighting for their dreams, their love ones, share their happiness and sadness together, respecting one another without any motives, doing what they like..
BUT there really such thing call true love? do another party willing to walk with you when you are broke? do another party willing to be with you when every thing go wrong? do another party willing to support you when you are sick? do another party love you because you are rich? Do you have a answer?? if you have an answer to my question please tell me..

people might say it just show lah, dont take it so seriously.. where got such thing? haha.. dont make me laugh.. can love provide us shelter, food and buy the thing we need?on and on.... telling me what is reality...

so wat is a show? at least that show give us hope, hope which allows us to dream.. hoping for true love, hope to be love, hope to love other, hope to achieve, hope to give, hope to take...
i believe everyone is living in a show, a show run by themselve, a show of their own...
but i believe in love, cause when you love another person, you will want to provide shelter, provide food, the thing to the person and provide care , concern and love to the person.. which is good.. give me hope, make me dare to love..

thank you for doing such a great show.. it teach me how to love people without any motive.. so simple so sweet and so loving...

Boring week~ Reminder for myself...

By RuSty
it has been sometime that i had update about my blog. kind of boring right now, nothing to do. doing nothing may be a kind of good life for some people but i just couldn't stand being alone doing nothing constructive to my life.
Years had past, life still need to go on, i have been waiting. waiting for the right time, and the right thing to do. about to start a new work life and get a real life. haha. i have wasted almost all my life focusing on thing which is useless. meaningful yet not useful.
money can be save again, friends alway come and go, girlfriends will also come and go but time, once it slip away it will never come back.

Hey Man, it time to wake up ya, focus ya and do something for yourself to be proud of ok? no more fucking around wasting your own bloody time.. know what is important and what isnt.. get it fix and live with it..